do you love watching videos online well we all do sometimes we prefer to stream on our mobile devices while sometimes we prefer to watch our favorite shows on a bigger screen on our tablets or laptops have you noticed how seamlessly you can stream most of the video content over multiple devices multiple platforms and apps that’s because video players have evolved from the traditional flash players to the html5 video players why html5 offers exclusive features and solutions ensures easy sharing customization modifying settings benefits of an html5 video player number one requires less unlike a flash player an html5 doesn’t need any plugins and hence is simpler in terms of its functionalities that also require lighter resources number two easy integration html5 video player lets you easily integrate the videos on the website as well as manage them through the built-in video tags number three advanced features multi-device support easily embed on third-party platform buffer free videos with cross-device and cross-platform compatibility number four customization a good html5 video player will give you the liberty about how you want the audience to display watch your videos how you can customize it to reflect your brand identity such as customizable brand logo placement number five simple to add applications tools and links html5 video player simplifies the task of adding applications links you want to display to your viewers are required to make your videos more interactive such as social media links cta buttons links integration and others sign up with movie one today and stream your next professional podcast through a few clicks